Friday, June 12, 2009

the failed campout

so we had this grand idea to go camping, even though the forecast included scattered thunderstorms. you know the day...last wednesday. we got there, set up camp, had a grand time fishing and had a yummy dinner, enjoyed a campfire, and went to bed. then the madness began. thunder and lightning right outside our tent, and rain all night. nobody slept a wink, so at first light, we threw the kids in the car and packed camp up into garbage bags and came home. still, the trip had some good moments...
tim, doing what he loves...
afton, no doubt pointing to the storm clouds on the horizon...

tucky, taking it easy in his little camping playpen...

i'm sure if we would have stayed for the duration of our trip, i would have pictures of the big girls. sorry annie and mia!


Darla said...

Geof. and I went camping once in Utah when Cole was a baby and there was a HUGE rainstorm! We actually kind of like it, though. Probably because there wasn't any thunder or lighting. So.., I guess it couldn't be called a rainstorm. And then another time, Geof. and I got to go camping alone (thanks to some friends who offered to take the kids for the night). The wind blew so hard that our tent was almost completely flat. Around 1 am we gave up and drove home. It was nice though.., we slept in until 11AM since we didn't have any children waking us. I love camping!

jordan and maci said...

it wasn't a total failure... you snapped a few good pics:)